Sunday, December 5, 2010

Coney Island!

Well it was again a super cold day in New York when we woke up...but the sun looked inviting and so, as we've done each time the sky looks nice, we planned an outdoor adventure. This time it was down to Coney Island, which is a long standing icon of American amusement parks. To get there, it is an hour long, insightful train ride to the bottom shores of Brooklyn, passing through the suburbs along the way. When we got off the train the air was icy with a ghetto feel - you wouldn't want to wander around seemingly lost in this area. It is a very industrial part of town until you reach the amusement park grounds, which are eerie and desolate in the wintertime. There are no blaring lights and children running around screaming and laughing as depicted in the films...instead, the ocean winds swell around the grounds creating haunting sounds as they pass through the tall, inactive attractions.
In a sense though, it all seemed very right and peaceful. I felt no apprehension walking along the boards alone (because M&M have a tenacity to walk 2km ahead of me). It is still a very popular place for people who exercise (they look hilarious running around with something like pillows wrapped around their faces). And the cutest thing ever was an old couple huddled together on a bench listening to jazz radio.
But I can only imagine what Coney Island is like of a summertime when it is alive.

We of course had to go to the famous Nathan's Hot Dog joint near the boardwalk...I didn't have one, I had fries marinated in cheese...but I assure you, it was much more satisfying watching the boys eat those things.

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